We are the owners of intellectual property consisting of patented new mining technology that targets a zone of vast mineral wealth about 30 feet below the surface to several hundred feet on land and under the oceans. It is impregnated with treasure troves of gold, diamonds, heavy rare earth elements, and other virgin resources that have been mostly unreachable by modern mining technology.We call this zone the “Mineral Twilight Zone (MTZ)”
(It might just be the last frontier for virgin mineral exploration and financial mineral wealth)
Phase #1 for (7) months $2,700,000 – For critical acquisitions (initial funding).
Phase #2 for (5) months $ 600,000 – Drilling and testing (2 required funding).
Decision Tree Analysis after (1) year
Phase #3 for (6) months $ 700,000 – Production trials (based on analysis).
Phase #4 for (12) months $ 1,000,000 – Production (funding may not be needed).
The two other 1/3 partners are Geodrilling Technologies, Inc. (assigning intellectual property rights) and Nome Gold Holdings, LLC (assigning 2200 acres in Alaska with 50,000 ounces of proven gold reserves minable with our technology). We have many other prospective mineral rights with tentative agreements to Hydro-Scopic™ mine some very lucrave resources throughout Alaska and the lower United States.
Have you seen any of the old pictures taken about a century ago of nugget cleanups and stacked gold dore` bars? The mined gold then was from virgin surface mining. The surface ground today, however, is mostly mined out. Ask Dave Turin of “Dave Turin’s Lost Mine” (Discovery Channel). He’ll verify it is difficult to find good surface mining ground with any real value this day and age. He also has an interest in exploring and mining with our technology.
So, step into the mineral twilight zone with us. Find all and more than the old-timers mined a
century ago – they mined only the tip of the iceberg. A menu of financial possibilities awaits the
introduction of Hydro-Scopic™ mining followed by the excitement of a new-age green gold rush.
“Call us for more information and some interesting stories of what is still underfoot”
Contact Tom Hice, CPA, for information at:
Cell: 541.621.2657, or,
Email at: hicet@hicegold.com
(The following pages present a more detailed summary of funding requirements)
See also www.ursagold.com for complete financial projections using only the prototype.
Tom Hice,CPA (President)
Financial engineering expertise in fund raising, project development, mineral rights expansion, public marketing and equity building:
- Cell: (541) 621-2657
- Email: hicet@hicegold.com